
Critical Materials Corner on the synergies between rare earths’ supply and the real-world markets


Critical Materials Corner, Jack Lifton and Critical Materials Corner Co-Host & InvestorIntel Columnist Byron W. King are joined by Constantine Karayannopoulos, President, CEO and Director of Neo Performance Materials Inc. (TSX: NEO). Constantine describes the real state of the rare earth mining, refining, and end-use product industry, outside of China, as it exists and operates today, from the perspective of the largest non-Chinese owned vertically integrated, beyond the mine, rare earth products producer in the world. Questions from Jack and Byron lead Constantine to describe and differentiate today's European and North American markets with regard to their sizes, existing supplies and suppliers, and their futures as he sees them.

Although Neo Performance Materials is a Canadian company, headquartered in Toronto, it produces and sells rare earth product lines within China, Europe, SE Asia, and North America. Jack points out that this makes Constantine Karayannopoulos a uniquely qualified expert to analyze the global rare earths' products' markets. And surmises that those watching may learn a great deal in this conversation about the synergies between rare earths’ supply and the real-world markets.

About Neo Performance Materials Inc.

Neo manufactures the building blocks of many modern technologies that enhance efficiency and sustainability. Neo’s advanced industrial materials – magnetic powders and magnets, specialty chemicals, metals, and alloys – are critical to the performance of many everyday products and emerging technologies. Neo’s products help to deliver the technologies of tomorrow to consumers today. The business of Neo is organized along three segments: Magnequench, Chemicals & Oxides and Rare Metals. Neo is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada; with corporate offices in Greenwood Village, Colorado, US; Singapore; and Beijing, China. Neo operates globally with sales, research and development, and production across 10 countries, being Japan, China, Thailand, Estonia, Singapore, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, and South Korea.

Disclaimer: Neo Performance Materials Inc. is an advertorial member of InvestorIntel Corp.

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#NeoPerformance #RareEarths #CriticalMaterials

Mining Rare Earth
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